1th Summa Cum Laude International Youth Music Festival Vienna, July 7 - 12, 2017
Soutěžní festival mladých sborů a orchestrů ve Vídni se koná pod patronací Rakouské komise UNESCO. Podrobnosti - formulář přihlášky, podmínky soutěže aj. najdete na adrese: www.viamusica.org, nebo kontaktujte: office@sclfestival.org; juergen.partaj@sclfestival.org.
10. ročníku, který se koná ve dnech 1.- 6. 7. 2016, se zúčastní více než 1300 mladých hudebníků - zpěváků a instrumentalistů z 25 souborů ze 13 zemí - Austrálie, Číny, čínské Taipei, Hong Kongu, Itálie, Izraele, Japonska, Maďarska, Německa, Rakouska, Španělska, Thaiska a USA.
35. International Choral Festival of Preveza, 23. International Choral Competition, 6.- 9. 7. 2017, Preveza, Řecko
Dear friends, Preveza is easily accessible through the international airport of Aktion (PVK), which is only 5km away from the city centre. After April, you can find a great number of low cost airlines with charter flights from main European cities directly to the airport. For more information, visit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aktion_National_Airport Warm regards, On behalf of The Organising Committee Kosmas Koronaios Festival Commissioner + 30 6977 132 107 E-mail: prevezachoralfestival@gmail.com or armonia4@otenet.gr https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010069593105
MRF Music Festivals, info@mrf-musicfestivals.com
Garant: Fördrvrein "Pro musica" International,(společnost pro podporu mezinárodního hudebního života Baden-Baden, promusica@qmx.net
6. Roma Music Festival, Řím, Itálie, 8.- 12. 3. 2017
7. Istra Music Festival, Poreč, Istria, 19.- 23. 4. 2017
6. Costa Brava Music Festival, Lloret de Mar, Španělsko, 27.4.- 1. 5. 2017
8. Venezia Music Festival, Benátky a Jesolo, 24.- 28. 5. 2017
3. Budapest Music Festival, Budapešt, Maďarsko, 28. 6.- 2. 7. 2017
9. Toscana Music Festival, Toskánsko, Itálie, 19..- 23. 7. 2017
8. Prague Music Festival, Praha, Česká republika, 6.- 10. 9. 2017
7. Paris Music Festival, Paříž, Francie, 16.- 20. 8. 2017
9. Cracovia Music Festival, Krakov, Polsko, 27. 9.- 1. 10. 2017
11. Lago di Garda Music Festival, Lago di Garda, Itálie 11.- 15. 10. 2017
4. Vienna Music Festival, Vídeň, Rakousko, 27.- 30. 10. 2017
6. Badenia Advent Music Festival, Baden-Baden, Německo, 8.- 11. 12. 2017
The 33rd Takarazuka International Chamber Chorus Contest (Japan)
Dear Choir, Conductor, Choral Friends,Greetings from Takarazuka, Japan!
It is our pleasure this time to inform you that we will hold the 33rd Takarazuka International Chamber Chorus Contest on Saturday, July 22 and Sunday, July 23, 2017. We would like you to know about this contest, and also about preliminary screening for participation, therefore we attached the file of details for applicants. We would be very happy if you could inspect it and notify choirs who have interest in the contest.
We are sincerely looking forward to receiving applications for preliminary screening.
For the details, please see the website below.
Takarazuka International Chamber chorus Contest Committee
33rd Conditions of Participation.pdf (99,3 kB)
IV. Children-Youth Choral World Cup in St-Petersburg 2017
Dear friends!
We invite you to take part in the IV. Children-Youth Choral World Cup in St-Petersburg, since 22. till 26. 02. 2017.
The participants: choirs of different Russian regions, the nearest and father foreign countries.
The age of participants: from 7 to 25 years (inclusive).
The number of singers in the choir: at least 14 persons, maximum is not limited.
In the programme: showbill concerts in Cathedrals and Halls of St. Petersburg, rehearsals of mater choirs.
The content of the jury: Russian and foreign specialists. There are delegates of choral
Associations among it, the guests of the Festival, managers of international festivals and educators of different Hgh schools.
This unique and the only one Holiday of choral artistry has the lofty and the rewarding purpose - to identify and support the talanted children and youth, to attach the young musicans to moral inheritance and world singing culture through the art of choral singing.
You can contact with us or simply fill the application form.
e-mail: interaspect@mail.ru
Waiting for you, dear friends! See you in St. Petersburg!
Best regards.
Coordinator of the festival
Russia, St.Petersburg
35th International Choral Festival of Preveza - Newsletter 2
Dear friends, You are all welcomed to join the International Choral Festival of Preveza. Preveza will welcome choirs from all over the world for the 35th successive year. The festival is organised by Choral Society "Armonia" of Preveza, which is a non-profitable cultural association. Each chorister has to pay only 30EUR for their participation, while each participating choir arranges and books their accommodation on their own. Preveza is a friendly touristic destination which combines low prices with high quality of services. Apply now and benefit directly from the very low prices!!! https://prevezafest.blogspot.gr/ https://www.facebook.com/InternationalChoralFestivalOfP Warm regards, On behalf of The Organising Committee Kosmas Koronaios Festival Commissioner + 30 6977 132 107 E-mail: prevezachoralfestival@gmail.reveza/ com or armonia4@otenet.gr https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010069593105
Festival di Primavera 2017
international festival for school,
children's and youth choirs
let's start organising your coming to Italy:
a singing spring is waiting for you!
A Festival that turns into a big choral event every year more, with 1500 participants per year! In 2017 we are working to give you an even better experience! In Montecatini Terme (Tuscany) choirs will sing for two long weekends.
20 - 22 April 2017
primary and junior high schools’ choirs and children’s choirs (aged 6-13)
26 - 29 April 2017
high schools’ and youth choirs (aged 14-19)
The Festival focuses are training, sharing experiences and meeting new realities. The days in the festival will pass attending ateliers, enjoying relaxing moments, concerts and having a lot of fun!
Renown Italian and foreign lecturers will guarantee a high quality offer for the young participants and for their conductors.
For information visit our website: www.feniarco.it
The application form is available at the following link
ATELIERS for children's choirs (aged 6-13)
lecturer: Sanna Valvanne (Finland-USA)
All the colors of the Mediterranen Sea
lecturer: Josep Vila (Catalonia-Spain)
Musica, mestro!
lecturer: Ennio Bertolotti (Italy)
Scores for the future
lecturer: Luigina Stevenin (Italy)
'O sole mio: Italian folk songs
lecturer: Giuseppe Lazzazzera (Italy)
My way
lecturer: Fabio Pecci (Italy)
Can't adults sings? Yes, we can!
Happy to sing! (atelier for adults)
lecturer: Fabio De Angelis (Italy)
ATELIERS for youth choirs
(aged 14-19)
Misa a Buenos Aires / Misatango
lecturer: Virginia Bono (Argentina)
From Bach to Calipso
lecturer: Michael Gohl (Svizzera)
A woman in Love
lecturer: Petra Grassi (Italy)
Rent - measure life with love
lecturers: Paolo Zaltron e Isabella Astegiano (Italy)
Italy's flavours
lecturer: Simone Faraoni (Italy)
Information and applications
Feniarco - Federazione Nazionale Italiana Associazioni Regionali Corali
Via Altan, 83/4 - 33078 San Vito al Tagliamento (Pn) - Italy
tel. +39 (0)434 876724 - festivaldiprimavera@feniarco.it
4.SICF 2017 - Singapore International Choral Festival and Competition, 12.- 15. 7. 2017
Dear competitor and conductor,
The 4th Singapore International Choral Festival will be held July 12-15, 2017, and I would like to invite you to participate in this choral music event! Apart from having the opportunity to perform at the top performing venues in Singapore, we also hope that the choirs will be able to share the joy of music through the art of singing.
As in previous years, the artistic director of the 4th Singapore International Choir Festival is Miss Tan Sau Lai of the Singapore Cultural Medal. She will lead the chorus from all over the world to provide the choral festival with the choral instructors and share their knowledge and experience with the participants.
In the past few choral festivals, we have seen very good and distinctive choirs from the region participating, and this year is no exception. I sincerely invite you to come to the 4th Singapore International Choral Festival to share the joy and joy of choral art with the world. Hope to see you in Singapore!
Sincerely Linai Hui
International Choral Festival Chairman of Singapore.
Choir competition
Grand Prix
The choral competition will be contested by the category winner and the judges recommended by the judges. The chorus will be held on July 15, 2017 at the Esplanade Concert Hall. The group participating in the choral competition must sing two songs, one of which must be a song not sung before the competition. Two songs limited to ten minutes.
The choir must prepare seven songs for the jury.
info@sicf.sg; www.sicf.sg
Krekov trg 3 SI - 3000 Celje Tel. +3863 / 4287930, 4287936 Fax: +3863 / 4287931
Email: tic@celje.si, nenad.first@celje.si www.celeia.info
32 nd INTERNATIONAL YOUTH CHOIR FESTIVAL Celje, Slovenia, May 10 – 14, 2017
Competition of Children’s, Youth and Girl’s Choirs * Concerts * Open Singing * Workshops * Round Tables * Exhibiton * Closing concert of joined choirs
54. Internationaler Chorwettbewerb, Schloss Porcia, Spittal/Drau, Kärnten, Austria, 6.- 9. 7. 2017
www. chorbewerb-spittal.at/ausschreibung.html
Podání přihlášek do 31. 1. 2017!
European Grand Prix for Choral Singing
V roce 1988 vznikla myšlenka soutěže o Evropskou Grand Prix sborového zpěvu. Dohodli se na ní pořadatelé pěti mezinárodních festivalů s bohatou tradicí – Concorso Polifónico Guido d´Arezzo (Itálie), Béla Bartók International Choir Competition, Debrecen (Maďarsko), International Competition Gallus, Maribor (Slovinsko), Florilege Vocal de Tours (Francie) a Concorso Internazionale di Canto Corale „Seghizzi“ Gorizia, (Itálie). Polední z těchto festivalů později z úlohy pořadatelů vymizel, ale od roku 1989 zbývající čtveřici doplnily ještě další dva významné festivaly – International May Choir Competition „Prof. G. Dimitrov“, Varna (Bulharsko) a Certamen Coral de Tolosa (Španělsko). V pořádání Evropské Grand Prix sborového zpěvu se pořadatelé každoročně střídají. V letošním roce je se uskuteční ve španělské Tolose. Získat toto ocenění se dosud žádnému z českých sborů nepodařilo. Mezi 27 vítězi z dosavadních 28 ročníků (v roce 1990 nebyl vítěz vyhlášen) je 7 sborů ze Švédska, po 3 sborech z Litvy, Slovinska a USA, po 2 z Maďarska, Filipín a Lotyšska a po 1 pak z Argentiny, Dánska, Japonska, Ruska a Itálie.
Na některé z těchto soutěžních festivalů je možné zkusit se ještě přihlásit, jiné mají již termín pro podání přihlášek uzavřen.
21.- 23. 4. 2017 – International Choral Competition Gallus 2017, Maribor; https://www.jskd.sl/maribor/...choir-and-musical-programmes.html
11.- 14. 5. 2017 – International May Choral Competition „Prof. Georgi Dimitrov“ 2017, Varna; office@choircomp.org; https://www.choircomp.org/eng/; přihlášky do 5. 2. 2017
26.- 28. 5. 2017 – Florilege Vocal de Tours 2017; contact@florilegevocal.com; www.florilege.vocal.free.fr
24.- 27. 8. 2017 – Concorso Polifónico Guido d´Arezzo; arezzochoralcompetition@gmail.com; www.polifonico.org /.../arezzo_choral_competition_august_24-27; přihlášky do 15. 4. 2017
1.- 5. 11. 2017 – Certamen Coral de Tolosa; www. cittolosa.com/
(Béla Bartók International Choir Competition se v roce 2017 nekoná.)
Připomenutí pozvání na festival IN... CANTO SUL GARDA, 14.- 18. 10 2017
Uzávěrka přihlášek - 31. 3. 2017
Kommt und seid Teil vom Festival oder dem Wettbewerb. Folgt unserer Einladung in den Palast der Künste und singt auf dieser weltberühmten Bühne in der ungarischen Hauptstadt Budapest:
3. Budapest International Choral Celebration
Laurea Mundi Grand Prix der Chormusik
& International Open Competition
Budapest – Ungarn
18 – 22 Mai 2018
Zögert nicht und findet euch wieder in verschiedenen Kategorien in der Open Competition, für die mit weniger Erfahrungen auf internationalen Bühnen. Oder im Grand Prix, für diejenigen, die sich durch ihre Ergebnisse in anderen internationalen Wettbewerben bereits qualifiziert haben.
Seid Teilnehmer spannender Workshops, singt im Festivalchor begleitet vom Dohnányi Budafok Orchester und profitiert von anderen typischen meeting music Aktivitäten.
Piroska und Gábor
meeting music
1. Medzinárodný festival a súťaž zborového umenia Žilina - Voce Magna, 4.- 7. 10. 2017
Vážení a milí priatelia zborového spevu.
Po niekoľkoročných skúsenostiach z organizovania medzinárodného festivalu Voce magna a hlavne priaznivých odozvách zo strany hosťujúcich speváckych zborov a ich dirigentov, sme sa rozhodli tento rok po prvý-krát dať možnosť zúčastniť sa väčšiemu počtu telies, a to na súťažnej časti festivalu.
1. ročník medzinárodnej súťaže je tu pre vás, pre tých, čo si chcú zasúťažiť v reprezentatívnych priestoroch koncertnej sály, pre tých, čo chcú svojím krásnym spevom očariť medzinárodnú odbornú porotu a vyhrať niektorú z finančných cien, ale aj pre tých, čo majú záujem vypočuť si špičkovú kvalitu zborov nesúťažného festivalu na večerných koncertoch.
Spolu s celým organizačným tímom sa teším na stretnutie s vami v Žiline - na výnimočnom podujatí zborového spevu Voce magna 2017.
Doc. Štefan Sedlický, ArtD.
umelecký riaditeľ Voce Magna
Pozvánka na polské sborové festivaly POLONIA CANTAT 2017 - 2018
13. International Warsaw Choir Fesrtival VARSOVIA CANTAT, 20.- 22. 10. 2017 / 19..- 21. 10. 2018
3. Warsaw Advent and Christmas Choir Festival, 1.- 3. 12. 2017 / 30. 11.- 2. 12. 2018
https://www.inyourpocket.com › Warsaw
8. Krakow Advent and Christmas Choir Festival, 8.- 10. 12. 2017 / 7.- 9. 12. 2018
7. International Gdansk Choir Festival, 9.- 11. 3. 2018
7. International Wroclaw Choir Festival VRATISLAVIA SACRA, 1.- 3. 6. 2018
9. International Krakow Choir Festival CRACOVIA CANTANS, 7.- 10. 6. 2018
International Choral Art Contest Festival CHRISTMAS STAR, 24.-27. 11. 2017, Tallinn, Estonsko
(značně opožděné pozvání, přihlášky je však možné stále podat)
2017 Christmas Star 2017_en.doc (85,5 kB)
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